Are you ready to stop pretending, chasing perfection & measuring your happiness by unrealistic standards?
Life is messy for modern women.
Messy and beautiful.
Beautiful and complicated.
Complicated and joyful.
Joyful and hard.
I’m Cate Baio and I’m a transformational coach.
My clients are women who feel the pull of their soul’s desires alongside the needs of their families, careers, and communities.
Women like us give our all until we’re drained but keep going anyway. Because that’s how strong, sensitive women do it. At least, that’s how our mothers taught us.
The legacy we want to leave behind?
A world that’s better…brighter because of our light and kindness.
And that means we must put an end to creating beauty until we’re brittle.
I believe leaning into our softness is part of being strong.
I believe confidence is steadied by self-discovery.
I believe boundaries are an act of love—for ourselves and others.