Are you ready to stop pretending, chasing perfection & measuring your happiness by unrealistic standards?


Life is messy for modern women.

Messy and beautiful.
Beautiful and complicated.
Complicated and joyful.
Joyful and hard.

I’m Cate Baio and I’m a transformational coach.

My clients are women who feel the pull of their soul’s desires alongside the needs of their families, careers, and communities.

Women like us give our all until we’re drained but keep going anyway. Because that’s how strong, sensitive women do it. At least, that’s how our mothers taught us.

The legacy we want to leave behind?
A world that’s better…brighter because of our light and kindness.

And that means we must put an end to creating beauty until we’re brittle.

I believe leaning into our softness is part of being strong.
I believe confidence is steadied by self-discovery.
I believe boundaries are an act of love—for ourselves and others.


Coaching for when you know it’s time to shift parts of your life, but can’t put your finger on exactly what or where to start...

Are you waking up to new possibilities for your life? Are you tired of constructing your work and wellness around shallow goals that prioritze achievement and perfection over deep joy?

Tranformational coaching guides you into the space between your right now and your next chapter—the space where your heart knows the reassuring answers to your toughest questions.


How I’m currently working with clients:


Are you ready to stop wavering? Stop waiting? Stop watching the years slip away in a haze of default decisions that seemed important at the time? Transformational coaching helps you slow down, befriend the real you hidden behind the protective armor—so you can align your life, career, and relationships with clear intention. The result? You’ll start living on purpose...with more flow and less go-go-go.


When you’re a coach-in-training or a coach on the brink of burn-out, one of the best things you can do is get personalized support from an experienced, certified mentor who can help deepen your capabilities and guide you to new levels of coaching confidence. In each session, we’ll discover your blind spots and fill in the gaps of your skills so you can make a meaningful impact doing the work you love!


The Daring Way™ and Dare to Lead™ are methods of wholehearted living based on the research of Dr. Brené Brown. As a licensed facilitator, I help people explore vulnerability, courage, shame, and worthiness to better understand how to navigate the world with greater courage and authenticity. Learn what’s holding you back and discover new practices to create more meaningful success in every area of your life.


I was able to see my life in a clear light...

“At first, I resisted coaching but I was starting to toy with big changes like changing career or moving to a new location. I decided to give coaching a chance.

Cate helped me explore my values and I was able to see how my current career would allow me to explore my inner longings and feel a greater sense of meaning. With Cate’s gentle guidance and observations I was able to see my life in a clear light.

As my coaching was ending, I was faced with a monumental challenge at work—one which previously would have made my nerves fray. But I felt galvanized and strong. I used my skills to navigate a difficult time with assured courage. I would not have been able to do this before coaching.”



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